Who Made This Schedule????

Santa Bells and ornaments ready BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!  Handbuilt stoneware clay  by Betsy J. Parker

Yes, it's me again - whining about time.  There's just not enough of it to satisfy me.  Who made me so responsible that I do all the have-to's first?  Who taught me to wait for my turn?  Who forgot to tell me just how long I might have to wait?  It feels like forever!  This won't do.

I'm throwing the gauntlet down to the clock.  I'm in full-on rebellion here.  Oh, don't worry.  I've been too well-trained to revolt in ways I might dream of revolting - throwing schedules, responsibilities , jobs, and domestic duties out the window and locking myself in the workshop or sewing room.  (Unlikely, although wildly attractive!)

No - I will just see to it that something creative fits in somewhere each day - little, big, finished or not - SOMETHING.

It's the least I can do for the artist in me struggling to breathe under the weight of responsible me sitting on her chest.  Anybody care to join the revolution??


  1. I understand the struggle. Sometimes I can live in my neat world, making crisp check marks on my to-do list. Most of the time the artist wins and I end up spending the whole day in my pajamas because I couldn't wait to paint. Who needs a shower or food when you have art?

  2. Jenny - It's a good day when the artist wins! I prefer those days!! Shower, food?? Please -- let me at those brushes, that paper and glue.... Thanks for stopping by! Come play in the challenges if you get a chance!

  3. An date with your artist. Not much more to ask for. Aren't we all trying to schedule a day like that?!?

  4. Revolution or no revolution . . I LOVE those Santas!

  5. Yes, Karen. We are certainly among those trying to schedule such a day!!

    Thanks, Deborah! I was glad to get them done BEFORE Christmas! : )


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