Day 5 - Memories Around the Campfire.....

Yes - we made it through the work week.  Today at lunchtime, I bought a new silver metallic Sharpie marker and decorated the edges of more button cards.  That was about the extent of creative accomplishment that fit the day.  So we end the week of my battle with time, telling stories of bigger wins, more complex work completed, more visions fully realized.  Tomorrow is another day.....

Mod Wall Cat - Handbuilt Stoneware Clay - raku fired - 8" x 4 1/2" - Betsy J. Parker

White Crackle Wall Cat - Handbuilt Stoneware Clay - Raku fired - 8" x7 1/2"  -Betsy J. Parker

Here's to the weekend!!!


  1. Cool for Cat! I'm loving your Revolution . . long may it continue!

  2. Love those cats so much! Can't even pick a favorite, which means I really, really like the fluffy one, since you know I always pick the other type! I think this has been a most successful battle. Certainly for us who have followed it!

  3. I love these. Raku is a perfect process for these kitties.


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