Day 4: Small Maneuvers on the Flanks.....

Today - a new challenge:  a social engagement immediately after work.  Very enjoyable, but the time left for my promise of something creative every day, alas, quite slim!  Not to be denied, I chose this time to start putting the porcelain buttons on their new cards to go to the gallery space soon.  It's not a massive accomplishment and not wildly creative, but it IS an accomplishment nonetheless - or the beginning of one at any rate!

Porcelain Buttons - Betsy J. Parker
Small maneuver, but still in the battle!


  1. You make buttons! I love buttons! These are beautiful!

  2. Yes, buttons! I love them too! Love to make them with irregular shapes and lots of texture. (Yes, I use my stamps!!) I used to make groupings of them on the bodice of jackets and vests. Thank you So glad you like them.


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