Notes from the Rebellion - Day 1

Multimedia components in progress
After a wild and wooly day at the day job and a late arrival at home, dinner was dispatched quickly as everyone was starving.  But enough about that part.  I promised myself to rebel this week and get something accomplished of the creative sort every day.  Tonight was about components.  I started with some brushwork practice for a piece that's growing in my head and needs a brushwork section for collage.  Next the printing plate I made a while ago that's been waiting for paint got its wish and the first stage of a multimedia piece is ready for the next layer.  Leftover paint from that??  Brushed wildly on a piece of watercolor paper that will await more processes on its way to who knows where.  Finally, the plate the paint was mixed on got wiped with a paper towel which is currently collecting random paint to be used later in a collage.  Anything finished tonight?  Nope -- but several things in process and that's a good thing!  The first maneuvers of the rebellion are showing promise. 


  1. That colour combo is one of my favourite, I've used it a lot.

  2. Understand why it's a favorite - rich combination! Makes the eye happy! Do you ever share your art on your blog, Deborah?


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