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Art Musings

Ever wonder why people buy art?  I mean regular people, not folks looking to invest in the next art world star in hopes of selling a work for a massive amount of money at some point in the future.  No, I mean folks like me.  Ok, so I'm an artist myself and already am drawn to things that come directly from the people whose minds imagined a work and whose hands then created it.  But that doesn't mean I itch to own every single piece I like. Handmade paper art Buying art is generally a "want" not a "need," although there are times we connect so strongly to someone's creation that it sure feels like we need it!!   Sculpture and Pottery Hanging on the walls and sitting on shelves and tables in our home is work of all kinds by artists of all kinds - 2D and 3D pieces in different media.  Some purchased over the years, some the result of artist "trades" at art shows we were in, some the work of friends...

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