It's been too long since I've posted!! I've been pretty busy - a new etsy shop is up, but not yet full; a new facebook business page is active and I'm meeting loads of wonderful folks in Facebookland. And I AM getting the occasional work day in the workshop. Not nearly often enough to suit me, but that's nothing new! Faces have shown up in my work again - faces and sun faces. I'm having fun. Here.... I'll show you.... This sun tile started it.
Sun Tile 6" x 6" hand-sculpted Stoneware clay - original by Betsy J. Parker |
Then I had the "bug" and they showed up in Terracotta and grew bigger! They showed up in great variety with all kinds of happy expressions and different personalities. Yep, I was hooked! Had to keep letting them out of the clay.
Terracotta Sun - 14x15 - hand-sculpted original by Betsy J. Parker |
Hand-sculpted Stoneware Faces - original designs in variety of sizes -Betsy J. Parker |
I treated myself to a couple of workshops in copper repousse - which is a technique of embossing copper sheeting and then coloring, if desired. Faces started showing up there too.
Copper Repousse Sun Face - original design by Betsy J. Parker |
They make me and other folks smile. I'm FACING it! I like making them and there are more in the clay waiting to come out. I think I'll be doing this for a while!! Hope they made you smile too. Come visit at the facebook page if you have time - we're enjoying ourselves there too! ( Meanwhile - keep smiling!
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